Wednesday, October 9, 2024

RETRO Episode 146: Grandfather Clock

A lean, tall clock stops the moment its owner dies. Is it an episode of The Twilight Zone or the catalyst for the term "Grandfather Clock?" Bonus - The talent of Sam Lucas, plus Knickerbockers! 

Outro Song: My Grandfathers Clock by H.C. Work, Arranged and performed by Michael Pugh, Shauna Harrison, Dan Pugh.

Originally Aired February 23, 2022

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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Episode 250: Cut of His Jib


This week Shauna and Dan explore the phrase, "Cut of His Jib". We also find out what in the heck a 'jib' is! Bonus: Jack Tar, Abstract Diptychs, and Singing in the Shower


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Episode 249: Gift of Gab


This week Shauna and Dan explore the gift of gab. Or sometimes, gob. Bonus: Fur babies, blarney stones, pet voices, and art appreciation


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Episode 248: When in Rome


This week Shauna and Dan delve into the phrase "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." Bonus: Dan pines for a Sister Act 3, Shauna steals coins from fountains, and Catholic Saints talk about when they should fast

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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Episode 247: John Doe


This week Shauna and Dan explore why we call an unknown person John Doe or Jane Doe. This has MUCH older history than we expected. Bonus: We yeet the Court Leet and Dan shows off his math skills